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Inpage Complete Notes in English - Latest Inpage Interface

Inpage Complete Notes in English - Latest  Inpage Interface


Elements of INPAGE Interface

Following are the elements of INPAGE interface.

Title Bar:

The First bar of the Application is called title bar which contain the close, Maximize, minimize button on right side on the very top of the interface and on the left side of the title bar contain Command button and The Application Name with user file name.

Menu Bar:

The second bar is called menu bar which contain different menus and each menu contain different command which are used for creating and editing of the file.

Menu bar contain the following item:

  1. File Menu
  2. Edit Menu
  3. View Menu
  4. Format Menu
  5. Insert Menu
  6. Symbol Menu
  7. Utilities Menu
  8. Language Menu
  9. Window Menu
  10. Help Menu

Option Ribbon:

When we select any tools from Tool bar then the related option are appear in the option Ribbon for example if we select Text Box Form tool Bar Then The Text Box Formatting option are appear in Option Ribbon.

Tools Bar:

On the very left side of the inpage interface a bar is called Tools Bar. Which contain different tools which are use in Inpage application.


There are two Ruler in inpage interface. On is on the top of the working page and other is on left of the working page. These Ruler are used for measuring of the page width and length.

Scroll Bar:

On right and bottom of the page two scroll bars are placed for moving the page up/down and left to right.

Status Bar:

This bar is placed at very bottom of the page which display the messages about user operation for example caps lock information etc.

Master Button:

At the bottom of the Inpage Interface and very left in the status bar a button with M caption, is placed for creating master page.

Zoom Bar:

A zoom bar are used to page zoom in and out. This is placed in the bottom of the interface.

Language Button:

In status bar on the very right and bottom of the page a button is placed called Language button which is used for changing the writing language URDU to ENGLISH and ENGLISH to URDU.

  •  INPAGE File Menu
  •  Creating a New Document in INPAGE

 If you want to create a new document in INPAGE then do the following steps:

Click on File menu and Select New Option.

In appearing dialog box set the value for page setup. The attributes that can be set in this dialog are:-

Page: Select the page size from the Page Size combo box.

Width/Height: If you want to customize the page size then give the Page Width and Page Height.

Orientation: Select page orientation as Portrait/Landscape.

Pages: You can also specify the number of pages in the document.

 Automatic Text Box: If the Automatic Text Box check box is checked then the Text Boxes will appear don all these pages.

Margins: Specify the page margins as distances from the respective page boundary. Direction: Specify the direction of text entered. Text direction may be Left To Right or Right To Left.

Columns: By default INPAGE document have one column. If you want to increase the number of the column in your page then Specifies numbers of columns in the document.

Gutter: Specify the gap between columns.

Double Sided: If this option is checked, then your document will be double sided. You thus get two master pages, left master page and right master page. In a single sided document, you get only one master page, which is applied, to all the pages in the document.

Facing Pages: If this option is checked then you can view the pages in your document in Facing Pages Mode. In facing pages, two pages are displayed at a time, with both pages displayed side by side. Whereas in non-Facing pages, one page is displayed at a time.

 Place Option In INPAGE

 Place Command used for placing images in InPage in its original dimensions. When you select Place form File menu it will be prompted with Place Picture dialog box. You can now choose the picture which you wish to place.

After selecting the picture you will be prompted with a place cursor. You can click anywhere on the page to place the picture.

After clicking on any  location on the page a picture box is automatically created and the picture which is chosen in previous step inserted in that  picture box.

 Importing Text and Picture In INPAGE

 Import Text:

In INPAGE we can import text file. For this purpose first of all we select the text Edit Mode. For this purpose:

Click on hand tool from tool box and click in the page.

In next step Open file menu and click on Import.

Now in appearing dialog box choose the name of the text file which you want to import in this document.

Then click OK.

 Import Picture:

 In INPAGE we can also import the image file. To import picture do the following step:

  • First select the picture mode for this purpose click on Image tool from tool box.
  • Now draw a picture Box and move the mouse on top of a picture box, then the cursor changes to DOTTED HAND cursor.
  • Now you are in Picture Edit mode.
  • Now click on file menu and select import picture.
  • You will be prompted with an Import Picture dialog.
  • Select the picture that you wish to import and click on the OK button.
  •  Exporting Page and images in INPAGE
  •  In INPAGE we can Export the text and also image file.

Export Text:

  • Select the text which you want to Export. 
  • Open File menu and select Export.
  • In papering dialog box give the name of the file and click on save button.

Export Picture:

  • First select the Object mode. (Select the selection tool (arrow symbol) from tool box).
  • Select the Image or text Box (Click on image box or text box).
  • Now open the file menu and click on Export command.
  • Export dialog will appear.
  • Give the File Name with extension type. For example test.gif
  • Check the Export Range check box as selected object.
  • If you want to export Exports all the pages of current document as pictures then check the Export Range check box as All Pages.

 INPAGE Edit Menu 

Find and Replace in INPAGE

Find Replace command helps you locate and change text inside a text chain. Find and Replace has an English and Urdu text toggle. In English mode you can find English text while in Urdu mode Urdu text can be entered in the Find Text field. You can further restrict the search by specifying whether INPAGE should match case and/or complete words. 

Match Case: If you want to match occurrence of the specified text in different case then check Match Case option. 

Match Word: If you do not want to match occurrence of the specified text within a word then check Match Whole word option.

Find Next: Click on Find Next button to start the search. If the text is found then the found text would be selected other wise the system will beep. 

Cancel: Find dialog stays on top of the text until you press Cancel.

 Replace. Allows you to search and replace selected text chain for Text or Text Type.

Find Text: Enter the text to be searched for in the Find Text edit control.

 Duplicate in INPAGE 

Duplicate option is used to create duplicate object form selected object. For this purpose:

Open a new document or open an existing document.

Create an object and select this object. For example create a picture box and select the image.

Now select the image box by clicking on it.

Now click on Edit menu and select the duplicate option.

In appearing dialog box select the number of row and column. These value specify that how many duplicate are created in shape of row and how many duplicate are created by column.

Click on Ok button.

 Clear option in INPAGE

 Clear option in Edit menu is used to delete an object or text.

Select the Text or object.

Click on Edit menu and click on Clear option. You can also use the delete key from keyboard.

The selected text or object will be deleted.

 Story Editor in INPAGE

Story Editor option in Edit menu change the writing mode from normal page layout to Story editor mode and story editor mode to normal page layout you can also press F2 key for this purpose, In story editor mode is useful for fast editing of story. All the text attributes except the font size are displayed in a WYSIWYG fashion in this mode. The size of the text can be set in the Story Editor Preferences.

In story editor mode Tool Bar , Rulers and guides are disable. 

Lock Guides Option in INPAGE

 This option locks the guides€™ lines. Locks the guide prevents them from being accidentally modified.

Select Edit menu and click on Lock guides. After this guides are not modifiable by mouse.

 Delete Page  Option in INPAGE

 In INPAGE if we have more than one pages in our document and we want to delete one of the page in our document then we apply the following steps:

Open / Create a new file with more than one pages.

Now click on Edit menu and select the Delete Page command.

In appearing dialog box select the From Page and To Page.

Click on Ok button. Selected pages will be deleted from our document. 

In the ensuing dialog, you can enter the range of pages to be deleted.

How we Set the Keyboard Preferences in INPAGE

 In INPAGE we can select one of the predefined keyboards for example Aftab, Phonetic, Muqtadra, Farsi, Arabic or make your own custom keyboards.

For this purpose

Open INPAGE application.

Click on Preferences menu. If already open a document then Select EDIT menu then select Preferences and then Keyboard preferences.

Select Keyboard Preferences.

Select the Predefine Keyboard from Keyboard Combo box.

If you want to enable the Sindhi and Pashto language sport then check the Enable Sindhi check box and Enable Pushto check box.

We also View the selected keyboard layout and can also edit in the case of User Defined Keyboards.

We can also make a new user defined keyboard for this purpose:

Open Keyboard Preferences dialog box.

Select one of the eight User defined keyboards.

Click on the User Defined keyboard button.

Select one of predefined keyboards from the Import Keyboard combo box. Your new keyboard will be based on this keyboard.

Modified the keyboard on your own choice. For this purpose click on the character and holding the left button dragging the mouse and leave it on top of the key where you wish to place this character.

 Typographic Preferences in INPAGE

 The Typographic Preferences are used to change default values for text formatting.

The Typographic Preferences dialog box contain the following option:

Nastaliq Space Width:

Set the width of the Nastaliq Space as a percentage of the font Size.

Auto Line Spacing:

Specifies the amount of Extra spacing to be added to the line when the text is in Horizontal direction. This value is specified in percentage.

Reduce Latin Font size:

Specifies the percentage reduction of Latin Font-size in comparison to Urdu Font-size. For Example if Urdu char if of 10 pt. Size then 10% reduction in Latin Font-size means, the English char will appear of 9 Pt.

Justification Priorities:

Nastaliq Space: Specifies the space between Urdu/Arabic characters

Latin Space: Specifies the space between English characters

Box Styles:

Specifies the percent of font height by which to extend the top of boxed style above the top and below of the base characters.

Text: Specifies the amount of spacing to be given between the boxed style and text before and after as percent of font height.


Amount in Percent of font size of base character by which to shift underline down and  Thickness of underline in Percent of base character font size.

Save As Default: Saves the current in the preferences dialog as Application preferences, So that next time you make a new document it automatically takes these values.

Auto Kerning:

This feature has been provided to automatically remove white space between nastaliq words. This allows the nastaliq text to look more compact.

Auto Kashida:

When you are justifying Arabic text, you have an option to allow InPage to automatically insert the Kashida character instead of inserting extra white space.


This button restores the default values of all the fields in this dialog.

Keyboards Preferences

 INPAGE Format Menu

Character Option in INPAGE

Character option is used for character formatting in INPAGE.

Click on Format menu and elect character option.

The character formatting dialog box appears with following option:

Size: Font size in points, millimetres, centimetres, or inches. Font size can also be chosen from the drop down list.

Style: For underline the text chose the style of under line.

Color: chose the Color of The Text.

Bold/Italics: Selected text can be made Bold or Italics with this option.

Latin Font Name: Choose the English font for the selected text.

Arabic Font Name: Choose the Arabic font for the selected text.

Urdu Font Name: Choose the Urdu font for the selected text.

Spacing: we can set the spacing between characters in percentage.

Scaling: Increase or decrease the scaling of the characters. Normal scaling is 100% but we increase or decrease it.

 Paragraph Option in INPAGE

Paragraph option is used to specify paragraph-formatting attributes for selected text. Click on Format menu and select the Paragraph option. Paragraph dialog box is displayed with following items:-

Alignment: Choose Left, Centered, Right, Justified and Forced Justify Alignment styles for selected paragraphs.

Indents: the indent set the space beginning of the line and End of line for all lines in the selected paragraphs.

Line Spacing:

Set the height of each line in the selected paragraph and the gap between lines of the selected paragraphs.


Break takes the current paragraph to the beginning of the next page. if we select Column Break it inserts a column break for the current paragraph. This takes the current paragraph to the beginning of the next column.

Keep Together: This option disallows splitting of selected paragraphs across columns or frames.

Keep With Next. This option disallow next paragraph to be in different frame of column.

Window: Enter number of lines at top of paragraph after which the selected paragraphs can break across columns and frames

Orphan: Select number of lines at end of paragraph where the paragraph is not allowed to break.

Paragraph Spacing: This option sets the space before the paragraph and after the paragraph.

Character Alignment: we can also align the Latin/Arabic text either on the baseline or center aligns.

Sorting in INPAGE

Sorting arrange the selected text in ascending order. For this purpose do the following steps:

Select the text which is written in column format.

Select the Format Menu and then select the Sort option.

Click on Ok button.

Table Formatting In INPAGE

In INPAGE for table formatting click on Format Menu and then Select Table Format Option. In appearing dialog box set Cell Width, Cell Fill Color, Cell Border and Indents within the Cell.

Fill Color: Select the table cells and specify their fill color.

Border: Hare can specify the border, color of border, style of border and the border width. For this purpose first we select the column and then apply on selected cloum.

Width and Gap: With this option we can set the column widths and gap between columns.

Indents: S the amount of indent within the Cell.

Alignment: Set the Text alignment within the cell Left, Right or Centered. 

Table layout In INPAGE

We can insert and delete the columns and rows from the table layout dialog box.

Click on Format Menu and select Table layout option.

The following steps are use for deletion or inserting the Columns and rows:


Select the Row or Column.

Click on Format menu and then select Table Layout.

In appearing dialog box select row or column which you want to insert.

If you want to insert the row or column before the selected cells then check the before Check box otherwise select the After check box.

Click on Insert Button.


Select the Row or Column which you want to delete.

Click on Format menu and then select Table Layout.

In appearing dialog box select row or column which you want to delete.

Click on delete button.

Object (Text Box, Image Box )  Formatting in INPAGE

When we want to format any object for example Text Box then first select the object mode and then double click on the Object or Click on Format menu and Select Object command.

A dialog box with following option appears set the option as you wish and click on ok Button.

The details of the dialog box option are given below:


To move the object left to right, modify the values of Across/Down. To do this, click with mouse on the Origin Across field and enter new value. Now either press the Tab Key or again click the Origin Down field with the mouse.

Width/Height: Displays the object's width and height. To resize the Object, edit these values by clicking the mouse on Width field and entering the new width, and/or by clicking the Height field and entering the new height. The Object will now be resized.

The following four attributes are for only Picture and Graphic Boxes.


Origin: Specify the Left/Top position of picture in Across/Down Section.

Scaling: Scales the picture.

Across: If you want to increase/decrease the width of picture, then enter the no. more than 100 or less than 100 respectively.

Down: If you want to increase/decrease the height of picture, then enter the no. more than 100 or less than 100 respectively.


Color: Usually the object is filled with white color. This is the background against which the text/picture appears. To apply some other background color, choose from the list in the Fill Color Combo Box.

Hatch: if you want background with some hatch pattern then select the appropriate pattern. By Default no Hatch Pattern will be selected.


Color/Width/Pattern: To apply a border to the Object Box, enter the border width in points. You can also change the color by selecting the color from the Border color combo box (Default is Black). the Pattern can be one of the Document wide Patterns like Solid, Dotted, Dashed etc.

Inside/Outside: If Object Box border is drawn inside the object, the actual bounds for the text/picture will become smaller on all four sides. To keep the text/picture bounds constant, you will have to select the Border Outside Icon.


You can disable or enable Runaround for the selected objects by un-checking or checking this check box.

Template: You can mark an object as a template object, in which case, when you drag the object then a copy of the template object is peeled off. This option enables you to make precise copies of template objects and place them as per your requirements.

Lock: If the object is marked locked, then the object can neither be deleted nor modified by using the mouse. To delete the object, you will first have to unlock it. Copies of Master objects appear as locked by default.

Donate Print: This check box enables you to disable printing for the selected objects by checking this check box on for these objects.

Runaround Command from Format Menu

When Runaround from the Object dialog box is on then we can set the Runaround values along the four sides of the selected objects. Whenever this object overlaps a text box, the text will flow around this object and will appear at the specified distances from this object's boundary. 

Inset Command from Format Menu

This dialog allows you to specify the inset value values for Text box (The margin form text box edges). The text in the selected Text-box will always be inset by the specified values.

Inset With Only With Graphic Frame: Check this option if you want to apply the inset value with only graphic frame.

Master Page in INPAGE

A master page is a separate page which include in all the pages of your document in INPAGE. This allows you to create a consistent layout for the pages in your application.

For example if you want to insert the page number and caption on each page of your document then create a master page and insert the page number and caption in a title text box. This page number and caption display in all the pages.

Creating Master Page:

Click on M Button on very Left on the status bar.

When you click on master M button the original page is disable and master page is opened.

Now Create the Object on the Master page like that Text box, Image box etc and Then Again Click on M button to return the normal Page.

When master page is closed then you will find that all the objects of master page are appear on the each page of you INPAGE document

You can also Hide or Show these Master page object from you Normal page.

For this Purpose Click on Format Menu and select :

Hide Objects of Master Page: If you choose option then all master page objects on the page range will be hidden.

Show Objects of Master Page: will show the master page objects on the range of pages if they were previously hidden or deleted.

Restore Objects from Master Page: will remove any modifications made to the master page objects and make them exactly same as they are on Master Page. As mentioned previously the objects of master page on a Page can be modified on the page.

Style Sheets

 In INPAGE we cal also store our custom style sheets (writing style). The following procedure is used for creating custom style sheet

Open or create a new file.

Open Format menu and select the Style Sheet Command or press CTRL+T Key from keyboard.

A dialog box appeared Click on New Button.

Give the Style Sheet Name and click on OK button.

Next step Style Sheet modification dialog box appears.

In the based on field you can define which the base Style Sheet for the new Style Sheet. What ever attributes is not defined for this style will be picked from the base Style Sheet.

The Paragraph, Character, Borders and Hyphenation definition buttons enable you to define or modify Paragraph, Character, Border and Hyphenation attributes for the Style-sheet.

After modifying click on OK Button.

New style Sheet is created and saved. You can apply this style form style sheet combo list box in text mode or click on style sheet option form format menu and select the select the style sheet which you want to apply and click on Apply button.

 Remove Style Sheets

We cal also remove the previous for this purpose do the following steps:

Click on Format menu and select Style Sheet option from list.

Now in appareling dialog box select the style sheet name which you want to remove.

Click on the Remove button.

 Modify Style Sheets

 Following procedure is used modify a Style Sheet:

Open Format menu and select style Sheet Command.

Select a Style Sheet from the List of Style Sheets which you want to modify.

On clicking the modify button, the Style Sheet modification dialog is displayed.

You can now modify the character and paragraph settings of the Style Sheet.

The Paragraph, Character, Borders and Hyphenation definition buttons enable you to define or modify paragraph, character , border and Hyphenation attributes for the Style Sheet.

After Modifying Click on OK Button.

 Define New Custom Colors

 In INPAGE there are some default color are listed in color plates but you can create and used more color by customizing the default colors.

The following procedure is used to defining the Custom color:

Open or create a new file.

Open Format Menu and Select Define Color.

A Define Colors dialog is displayed. A list of colors with their names is displayed. Click on New Button.

This displays another dialog called Color Settings. Here you can define a new color by specifying the Red Green Blue (RGB) values. Enter the New color name.

Now click OK button.

This newly defined color gets inserted into the List of Colors dialog.

This color also appears in all the combo boxes in all the ribbon.

 Remove and Modify the New Custom Colors

If you want to remove the new define custom color then:

Open Format Menu and Select Define Color.

Select the color to be deleted from the List of Define Colors dialog and click on the Remove button.

If you want to modify the new define custom color then:

Open Format Menu and Select Define Color.

Select the color to be modifying from the List of Define Colors dialog and click on the Modify button.

Redefine the color value and click on Ok Button.

INPAGE Insert Menu

 Date and Time in INPAGE

 If we want to insert the Date and Time in our document then following step will be taken:

Create a new document or open an existing document in INPAGE.

Create a Title Text Box where you want to insert the Date and Time.

Click on Insert Menu and then select Date and Time option.


Inline Picture in INPAGE

Inline picture inserts a Picture Box at the current text insertion point. Once you choose this option, you will be shown an Insert Picture dialog. Choose the picture file that you want to insert in the text. The chosen picture is inserted at the current insertion point. This picture can now be formatted like the pictures created using picture tool. You can select the picture and the selection points will become visible. You can choose these individual selection points and resize the picture.

Inserting new page in INPAGE

As we know that when we open new file then we tell that how many number of the pages are in our document. But if we open a new file and after this we want to increase the pages then we insert the new page. For this purpose we open Insert menu and then select Page. Give The number of the pages and select ok.

Inserting Page Numbers in INPAGE

If we want to insert page number in INPAGE then we take the following steps:

Open the document or create new document in INPAGE.

Create a Title Text Box in the page where you want to insert the Page Number.

Now click on Insert Menu and Select Page number.

If you want to insert the page number in all pages automatically then take the following steps:

First click on Master Page button to open the Master Page.

Now draw title text box.

Select insert Menu and then select Page Number Command.

The page number field will display "#" character on the master pages.

Now again click on Master Page button to close the Master Page.

Page number is display on each page.

Inserting Table in INPAGE

In INPAGE we can construct tables. This powerful tabulation facility allows you to structure your data in tabular form. At the time of creation of table you need to specify the number of rows and number of columns desired in the table.

The following procedure is used for creating a table in INPAGE.

Place the cursor where you want to create a new table.

Now Click on Insert Menu and select the Table option.

In appearing dialog box select the number of the rows and number of columns of the table.

Now Click on Ok button.


Split Table in INPAGE

Split Table

This command insert a blank line on the top of the table . A useful function of this command is when the table is at the initial position in the text chain. This command allows you to shift the table at the first base line.

Converting Text to Table And Table to Text in INPAGE

Text to Table:

The following procedure is used to convert all ready written text to table:

Select the text which you want to convert to TABLE.

Click on Insert Menu and select Text to Table Option.

Now in appearing dialog box select Tab or paragraph as converting condition for new column. The text is converted into a table. The numbers of paragraph decide the number of Rows in the table whereas the number of columns in the newly created table is calculated on the basis of maximum number of tabs in selected paragraphs.

Click on OK button.

Table to Text:

If you have already a table with some contents and you want to convert this table to simple text paragraph then the following steps are take for this purpose:

Select the table.

Click on Insert Menu and select the command Table to Text.

Now in appearing dialog box select Tab or paragraph as converting condition for new column

Click On OK Button.

The selected Table is converted into Text. Each row gets converted into a paragraph. The text in each cell of the row gets separated by tabs.

Creating Index Table In INPAGE

The following procedure is used to create an index table in INPAGE:

Create a new document or open an existing document.

Select the heading which you want to use in index table.

Now mark all heading one by one as index entry by Click on Insert Menu and Click on Index Entry option or press CTRL + ALT+I .

Click on Utility Menu and select Generate Index option.

Index will be created and store in Clipboard.

Press CTRL + V key and past the index table where you want.

Change the Language in INPAGE

In INPAGE we can change writing language English to Urdu and Urdu to English.

Click on Language menu and select Toggle Language option or Press CTRL + Space Key.

You can also change the language with Language button;

In status bar on the very right and bottom of the page a button is placed called Language button which is used for changing the writing language URDU to ENGLISH and ENGLISH to URDU.


Inpage Complete Notes in English - Latest  Inpage Interface
Inpage Complete Notes in English - Latest  Inpage Interface

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